Rise Of The Undead Legion

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  • Rise Of The Undead Legion summary: Three years ago Conquest was released, redefining virtual reality and gaming. 'An entire world on a server. Dive in and play the RPG to end all others; explore, create, conquer.
  • The Undead Legion generals The Undead King was the commander in chief. There were seven Divisions in the army military organization table. There were seven generals, the Abyssal Knights, beneath the King.
  • Read novel Rise Of The Undead Legion chapter 493 - Rise of an Old Monster Volume 3: Volume 3 - Lich Kis’Shtiengbrah: Three years ago Conquest was released, redefining virtual reality and gaming.‘An entire world on a server.
  • Rise of the Undead Legion Chapter 154 Demonic Painted Dogs. Prev chapter Next chapter Twelve hundred undead marched across the black sands of the Underworld and into the third Raid Zone area.

465 Durhazas Skill. This is a preview, full chapter is coming soon! In preparation, Keguan Please wait a moment, after the updates, you need to refresh the page to get the latest updates!

Three years ago Conquest was released, redefining virtual reality and gaming.
‘An entire world on a server. Dive in and play the RPG to end all others; explore, create, conquer. LIVE!’
It became an overnight phenomena worldwide.
Dave Ruster grew up without a family to speak of, he had few friends and fewer prospects. He lives in the same small town where he graduated from high school, and works long hours at a low-paying job that barely pays for rent and the food on his table. He can’t afford college, but at least he is not out on the streets.
His life is going nowhere, stuck on a treadmill.
Until chance, karma, or providence, call it whatever you believe in, intervenes. Suddenly, David’s circumstances change.
Injured and unable to work, he’s about to lose what little he has. His fate balances where crisis and opportunity go hand in hand.
He can risk it all, seizing the opportunity to make circumstances work for him, potentially going further and higher than he ever dreamed. Or he can accept his fate and watch life from the sidelines
Join Dave as he puts all his aspirations and hopes, all that he is, into the game he always wanted to play, Conquest!
It will be a journey of adventure and discovery, victory and loss, as he strives to create a new future for himself, in-the-game and In Real Life.

Chapter 465 - Du'Rhaza's Skill

Almost immediately, the two were teleported to the Undead Battle Arena.

Rise Of The Undead Legion Fandom

The rest of the players found themselves on the arena seats, all looking at Zhang Shi and Du'rhaza.

Name: Du'Rhaza. Lich.


Tier: Doom-Knight Rank.

Danger level: [Temporarily Neutral]

Level: 550

Base Damage: 250,000-320,000

HP: 5,000,000

DN: 50,000

MA: 155,000


[Freeze] (Passive) All of Lich Du'Rhaza's skills deal Freezing Damage. After a certain amount of Freezing Damage is dealt to the player. They will turn to [Ice Statue]. Becoming immobile for 2 seconds. The next attack on the [Ice-Statue] has a 5% chance of instantly executing them.


[Frozen Death]: (Passive) Continuously Saps life from the living and transforms it into his own health. Steals 0.1% of targets around him per seconds and converts it to HP.

[Icy Burial] Surrounds the target with an ice tomb. Dealing 100% of base Damage in -Freezing Damage and burning 50% of their max Stamina.

[Frozen Necromancy] Summons ice-creatures as undead to attack Du'Rhaza aggressors.

[Ice Aura]: releases an ice aura that slows and saps a target's stamina.

[Icemancer]: (Passive) Full mastery over ice magic. Can control ice, bend it and shape it to whatever form Du'Rhaza wishes. Ice attacks deal base attack damage in magic damage.


One of the strongest units under Arch-Lich Dagla -Abyssal Knight- of the Undead Legion. The Black Skull Order trapped Du'Rhaza in the Ice Queen's Palace. Not wanting to waste his immortality, Du'Rhaza delved into ice magic and managed to fuse both Undeath and Ice magic which made him one of the most unique Liches. He now uses the freezing element to cause death to his enemies.


Zahang Shi frowned a bit, the Lich's Level was higher than his own, he just reached the level 500. But if Dave won against him, so could he, he thought and he was going to put this idea to the test.

The battle started once a resounding, 'FIGHT!�� sounded through the arena.

Du'Rhaza hovered in the air and waved his hands, a few dozen Spectral Skulls appeared around him.

'Oh I know this, this is what Skelly first started with, the Spectral Skulls, low damage but nasty kick-back effect.' Valentine said.

'Yeah, they're all depending on how to use them, and that Skelly was damn proficient at using them,' Wan Yi said.

Zhang Shi drew his katana and sliced as fast as he could, a blinding ray of sword light shot out, slashing into the Spectral Skulls and headed toward the Lich.

The Lich grinned and waved hand in front of him, summoning a large chunk of ice that blocked the projectile, while the skulls moved unharmed forward.

The skulls blew up in Zhang Shi's face while he moved about dodging the explosions in a choreographed manner.

Zhang Shi approached the Lich and slashed at him when he was close. Yet Du'Rhaza's cane was in the way, blocking the flimsy attack with barely an effort.

Ice spikes rose from the ground, one managed to slice at Zhang Shi's thigh but he evaded the remaining spikes with ease.

Du'Rhaza made a grasping motion, forcing water to turn into ice and rise up from under Zhang Shi in an ice shaped giant grasping hand.

Rise Of The Undead Legion Light Novel

Zhang Shi sliced at the ice breaking the hand's finger and evading the attack only to find more Spectral Skulls waiting for him.

Disadvantaged, Zhang Shi used [Blood Escape], giving up a small portion of his HP to teleport his body right behind the Lich.

He slashed down in one single motion only to have the Lich swat away the sword with his cane.

'Not bad, but not enough, Ice Aura!' The Lich conjured his Aura Skill, forcing the weather to turn colder and colder. Ice gathered around the Lich and over the player encasing him in a thin layer of ice.

Zhang Shi used an anti-crowd effect Skill and escaped the Lich's Aura before he was turned to an ice statue.

He then resumed battle with a greater ferocity. Zhang Shi poised himself in a single draw katana stance, then sliced forward. This spell, as Davehad mentioned the last time, was pretty similar to the Tengu's only it was quite slower.

Du'rhaza didn't even bother to dodge, he just controlled some of the ice on the ground to tilt the pavements Zhang Shi was standing on. This broke Zhang Shi's stance and his Skill.

'You have good techniques, but you lack knowledge of when to use them best.' Du'Rahza commented.

'Shut up, you bag of bones,' Zhang Shi pulled his sword and dug it deep into his stomach.

His sword, tainted and bloodied now became more fearsome, this was Zhang Shi activating one of his most potent Legacy Skills, it empowered his attacks, made his slashes cause lacerating wounds, and poisoned his enemies. Though the last two effects were useless against Undead, the damage power up was more than good enough for Zhang Shi.

Zahng Shi sprinted forward, ignoring the coalsing ice on his body, and once he was in range, he blasted out his own Aura Skill.

[Blood Aura]

Tides of blood rushed into the arena, fusing with the ice and rendering it useless. Bar the ice and frost in the air, Du'Rhaza had no way to use the ice on the ground. And on the other hand, Zahng Shi could control the blood to attack Du'Rhaza.

'Now this is more like it,' Du'Rhaza joked then raised his staff up.

Spears of ice materialized in the air and fell down like an endless stream. Zhang Shi moved left and right dodging the projectiles then swatted away some that he couldn't.

He jumped up and sliced at Du'Rhaza's neck, but the latter simply released his hold on his flying ability and fell down, completely evading the strike.

Rise Of The Undead Legion Chapter 1

Zhang Shi dropped and turned to face Du'Rahza, now that the Lich was on the ground, he had a better chance at fighting it.

Just as Zhang Shi ran forward, Du'Rahza smiled saying, 'It's been a good match.

Two ice dragons, oddly familiar to the dragons Dave conjured whenever he struck with his Sworn Stalwart gauntlets appeared and dove at Zhang Shi.

'You guys think he could win?' Wan Yi asked.

'He is not a bad player, but I don't think it will be easy. Fighting against an Undead that uses slowing effects is really nasty.' White Ghost said.

'You wouldn't have such a problem,' Warlord said.

'Yes, the holy element is pretty potent against them, but look up,' White Ghost said.

The players looked up where he was pointing, 'That palace, it's the Bone Palace, where the Undead King rules, and on top of it is something that is terrifying. My spells are all grayed out, and it's all because of that thing. If I were to fight, I'd be slaughtered in a second.'

'Right, holy element is pretty much unusable here,' Warlord said.

'Who would in their sane mind use the holy element in the land of the Undead,'

'Oh, something's happening,' The Arkadia Guildmaster said.

As Zhang Shi finished slashing up the two dragons, more ice was gathering right above him. He was too preoccupied with the two beasts headed his way that he didn't notice that the sky turned white.

Skulls, tens of thousands of skulls hovered in the sky, they weren't spectral anymore, they were made of ice.

'Fall!' Du'Rhaza called and the hail of ice skulls dropped like bullets forward.

The Undead

Zhang Shi choked a yelp and began slashing with his sword at the incoming skulls, yet no matter how hard he struck, how fast he struck, eventually one would bypass his defense.

And once the first struck his shoulder, destabilizing him, the rest fell down like an avalanche of ice.

Bulldozing his body like wrecking balls, smashing him into the floor and breaking the pavement. Zahng Shi's HP dropped like a steel ball in the ocean.

'Blood Barrier!' Zhang Shi activated a defensive Skill that allowed him a few seconds of survival while he began thinking of what to do next.

Yet the incoming attack never stopped or seemed to stop, this shocked him greatly, how did Kis'Shtiengbrah win against this? This was clearly impossible to beat.

Looking at his HP, he had barely a tenth of his max, he sacrificed more to use [Blood Escape], evading the area of the attack, but right as he found himself free of the assault, more than a dozen ice dragons were already in wait.

The match ended almost instantly afterward as the ice dragons dove forward, Zhang Shi,'s HP dropped to 1, and didn't go under. It was a spar condition, the enemy will not die as they will reach 1 HP if an attack was lethal.

'Du'Rhaza has emerged victorious!' the same speaker of the arena shouted.

'Very well fought, human,' Du'Rahza said.

Then he turned to the rest of the players and asked, 'Would anyone else wish to spar?'

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