Collins Mechanical Filters For Sale

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Collins rubber feet kit. Kit includes (4) rubber feet, (2) extension feet & (1) set of hardware.
(COL) 540-5175-000
*** SOLD OUT ***
0.01µF or 10,000 pF, Tusonix feedthru. 4kvw, 8kv test, 2-3/8' long, 7/16' bushing mount. #8/32 stud runs through center. Ceramic body, silver hardware. Our customers report this may replace your KWS-1 feedthru capacitor.
#47 pilot bulb. Bayonet base. T 3-1/4. 6.3v, 0.15 amps. Fits all S-line / KWM2.
Two pin microphone connector. Fits vintage Collins, Heath, etc. Made by Cooper Instrument.

A previous owner had installed a Collins mechanical filter in the 1st detector stage (normally a coil with crystal phasing). The Collins filter is part number 526-9395-00 and labelled 'F 455 Z 7' From google searches, it appears that this might be an SSB filter, but I. Mechanical Filter F104Z7: 325.00: Add (COL) 526-9407-000-Mechanical Filter F108-Z7: 365.00: Add (COL) 526-9410-00: Pic: Mechanical Filter 250 KHz: 325.00: Add (COL) 526-9412-000: Pic: Mechanical Filter, 300 Hz, BW Y Case: 400.00: Add (COL) 526-9413-000: Pic: Mechanical Filter: 325.00: Add (COL) 526-9414-000-Mechanical Filter 500 Kc CF / 2.5 Kc.

  • Accessories: 353C-14 1.4 kHz Mechanical Filter Adapter, 270G-1 Speaker, 353C-31 3.1 kHz Mechanical Filter Adapter, 307E-1 Gear Reduction Knob, 353C-60 6 kHz Mechanical Filter Adapter: New Price: $375: Used Price: $250-490: Comments: One view is that the 75A-1 was simply referred to as the Collins 75A until the 75A-2 came out in 1950.
  • These filters are used (solder on many terminals). They have all been tested and work correctly. Prices include shipping in the USA.-COLLINS filters: F500F94 - $50 Set of 3 filters - F500Z10 (USB), F500Z11 (LSB), and F500Y70 (AM) - $95 for the set of 3-KOKUSAI ELECTRIC MECHANICAL FILTER MF-455ZL-21H (2 available) - $35 each-MURATA CERAMIC FILTERS.
Operation parts manual for 180S-1, copy.
Plug in solid state replacement for vacuum tubes 5R4 & 5U4. Octal base. Rated @ 2800 vdc, 1 amp. 1-3/8' diameter x 1-1/8' high. Solid State direct replacement modules are much more efficient than their vacuum tube predecessors. In some case, dropping resistors should be used if the higher output voltages often yielded with these diodes will create an unsafe condition. No heater current is required, saving watts there too.
Printed on adhesive backed paper, NOT photocopies
or transfer decals. Instructions included.
Part NumberDescriptionPrice EachPrice for 3
(COL) DCL-KWS/0Fits older KWS-1 w/15 meter scale starting @ 21.0 MHz. 10.0024.00Add
(COL) DCL-KWSFits newer KWS-1 w/15 meter scale starting @ 20.5 MHz.10.0024.00Add
(COL) DCL-75A/0Fits older 75A-4 w/15 meter scale starting @ 20.8 MHz.10.0024.00Add
(COL) DCL-75AFits newer 75A-4 w/15 meter scale starting @ 20.5 MHz.10.0024.00Add
(COL) DCL-75A3Fits 75A-3.-SOLDOUT
(COL) DCL-75A2Fits 75A-2.10.0024.00Add
(COL) DCL-51JFits all 51J receivers.10.0024.00Add
J-4 Parts
Part NumberDescriptionPrice Each
(COL) 278-0092-000T102, 500 kc can95.00Add
(COL) 278-0093-000T101, 500 kc can95.00Add
(COL) 526-9009-00F500B60, 6 kc349.00Add
(COL) 526-9030-00F500B14, 1.4 kc295.00Add
(COL) 526-9215-009F500F-14, 1.4 kc (See below for more info & picture)249.00Add
(COL) 51J451J-4 manual, copy35.00Add
(COL) 526-9215-009
Collins SSB / RTTY mechanical filter. 500 KHz IF, 1.4 KHz bandwidth. F500F-14. Fits 51J series collins receivers. Brand new stock that was squirreled away when this 'Radio Row' shop closed in NYC. Brand new in the box!!
Part NumberDescriptionPrice Each
(COL) 278-0197-00T3, T4 IF can49.00Add
(COL) 259-0417-00S5 AVC switch25.00Add
(COL) 667-0018-00Collins T5A-4 Hammond Audio Transformer. 2' c-c mount holes.
1.6' x 1.6' x 1.9'H. Alt P/N: 11271. NSN: 5950-00-772-8438 Pic
(COL) 526-9154-00F455J05, 500 Hz750.00Add
(COL) 526-9089-00F455J31, 3.1 kc349.00Add
Part NumberDescriptionPrice Each
(COL) 662-0034-00T1 power inverter transformer replacement made by Ballastran
(BC-3254) for Collins MP-1. (Pictured)
(COL) 970-2170-00K1 relay for MP1 mobile power supply.65.00Add
(COL) 352-0320-00Q1, Q2 DA3F3 for MP1 mobile power supply.SOLDOUT
(PUB)(COL) MP1MP-1 Manual copy.15.00Add
PM-2 Power Supply
Part NumberDescriptionPrice Each
(COL) 183-1054-00C1, C2 20 µF, 450 v electrolytic caps.6.50Add
(COL) 183-1009-00C7, 40 µF / 40 µF, 450 v twist lock.SOLDOUT
(COL) 353-1661-00CR1-9 Diodes.2.00Add
(PUB) COL-PM-2PM-2 Manual, copy.15.00Add

Rockwell/Collins Mechanical Filters

FA Type FiltersFilter TheoryFilter Case Types1964 Collins Filter Finder
2000 Rockwell/Collins Equipment Filter Use List

The Popular 'FA' Series Low-cost Filter

A NEW FAMILY OF MECHANICAL FILTERSincorporating design andmanufacturing innovations which lower prices as much as 25percent has recently been introduced. A number of the newfilters are already in production.

The new developments include seven 455 kc center frequencyfilters with bandwidths of 500 cps, 1,500 cps, 2.1 kc, 2.7kc, 3.1 kc, 4.0 kc and 6.0 kc. All have the steep-skirtedselectivity common to all Collins mechanical filters.

Collins Mechanical Filters For Sale Craigslist

Packaged in a durable, high-impact phenolic case, the newfilters should find wide use in commercial and amateurcommunications equipment, especially in single sidebandtransmitters and receivers. The narrow bandwidth filtersare especially suited for cw and data service in receivers.

Size of the new filters is 2-1/2 inches in length, andslightly more than 1/2 inch wide and 1/2 inch high, notincluding mounting lugs and terminals. They can be pluggedinto standard three-prong transistor sockets and areespecially suited for circuit board manufacturing techniquesinvolving dip soldering.

A SPECIAL VERSION OF THE 455 KC FILTER with the 2.1 kcbandwidth is available for use by amateur radio operators inconstructing single sideband transmitters. In these filters,the frequency reading 20 db down each side of the individualfilter's selectivity curve is specified on the filter label.This aids in selection of crystals of exactly the rightfrequency for use in generating transmitter carrier frequency.


Mechanical Filter Theory

PACKAGED IN CASES AS SMALL as one-third cubic inch, CollinsMechanical Filters achieve a flat-topped frequency responsecharacteristic; they have been built with a 60 to 6 db shapefactor as low as 1.2 to 1. Among all types of filters, onlyCollins Mechanical Filters provide this steep-skirtedselectivity approaching the theoretically-perfect. Thisselectivity comes from a series of resonant dime-sizenickel-alloy discs with Q's of 8,000 to 12,000, up to 150times more than conventional filter elements. MechanicalFilters are electrically and mechanically stable and theyresist aging, breakdown and drift even with extremetemperature changes or long, continuous service. For example,frequency shift of a typical Mechanical Filter holds between1.5 and 2 parts per million/degree C over a -25øC to +85øCrange. (The Filters will operate over a range exceeding 55Cto +105øC.)

MECHANICAL FILTERS RESIST AGING to a remarkable degree. In arecently completed accelerated aging test, a number ofstandard filters were steadily cycled between 25øC and 90øCfor an eight-month period. Maximum deviation exhibited byany filter during this period was less than one part permillion.

To the equipment design engineer, these factors mean anincrease in performance and reliability and decrease in size,expense and maladjustment; for these reasons the MechanicalFilter has been widely accepted by industry and theArmed Forces.

Collins mechanical filters for sale in ct

MECHANICAL FILTER DESIGN is based on well establishedprinciples. The Filter is a mechanically resonant devicewhich receives electrical energy, converts it into mechanicalvibration, filters out unwanted frequencies, thenconverts the mechanical vibration back into electricalenergy at the output.

THE MECHANICAL FILTERS consist of three basic elements:(1) transducers which convert electrical oscillations intomechanical oscillations or vice versa, (2) mechanicallyresonant metal discs, and (3) disc coupling rods.THE TRANSDUCER, which converts electrical and mechanicalenergy, is a magnetostrictive device based on the principlethat certain materials elongate or shorten when in thepresence of a magnetic field. When an electrical signal issent through a coil which contains the magnetostrictivematerial as the core, the electrical oscillation will beconverted into a mechanical oscillation. The mechanicaloscillation can then be used to drive the mechanicalelements of the Filter. In addition to electrical andmechanical conversion, the transducer also provides propertermination for the mechanical network.

FROM THE ELECTRICAL ANALOGY circuit shown on page 3, it isseen that the center frequency of the Mechanical Filter isdetermined by the metal discs, which are represented by theparallel resonant circuits. (Filters with center frequenciesbetween 60 kc and 600 kc are being manufactured. This by nomeans indicates limitations, but is merely the area ofcurrent design concentration. See above graph.) Since eachdisc represents a parallel resonant circuit, increasing thenumber of discs increases skirt selectivity of the Filter.Skirt selectivity is specified as shape factor, which is theratio (bandwidth 60 db below peak) / (bandwidth 6 db belowpeak).

IN THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT, the coupling inductors representthe rods which couple the discs. By varying the mechanicalcoupling between the discs, i.e., making the coupling rodslarger or smaller, the bandwidth of the Filter is varied.Because the bandwidth varies approximately as the total areaof the coupling wires, the bandwidth can be increased byeither using larger or more coupling rods. Standardavailable bandwidths range from 500 cps to 50 kc, andspecial units have been built with bandwidths as narrow as300 cps and as wide as 60 kc.

CURRENT IMPROVEMENTS. Considerable progress is being made inimproving selectivity and other performance characteristicsof mechanical filters. The use of ferrite transducerelements, for example, has reduced insertion loss andpassband ripple while making practical the cascading ofvarious filter types as a means of improving selectivity.Magnetostrictive ferrites used in transducers have alsomade possible greater fractional bandwidths and reductionin microphonic responses.

Careful grading and heat treatment of the nickel-alloy discresonant elements has resulted in temperature coefficientsof the discs being reduced to as low as one part in onemillion per degree Centigrade over a 100-degree range.

Other means of increasing selectivity in general and ofproducing more effective filters for single sidebandapplication are being investigated. These include cascadingtwo filters together and intentional distortion of the nodalpattern of the discs.

Collins Mechanical Filters For Sale Near Me

APPLICATIONS FOR THE WIDE RANGE of standard Filters includehigh performance transmitting and receiving equipment,multiplexing equipment, missile guidance systems, frequencysynthesizers, Doppler radar, data transmission systems,precision navigation equipment and spectrum analyzers. Manyadvances in frequency spectrum conservation have been madepossible by Mechanical Filters and their superiorselectivity characteristics. Such techniques are split-channel reception, improved methods of amplitude modulationand single sideband communication and superior detectionmethods for data transmission systems.

THE DESIGN OF CIRCUITS employing Mechanical Filters isrelatively simple, since no special matching networks arenormal]y required. Being internally terminated, the filtersneed only a high-resistance termination (50,000 ohms orgreater) at either end together with the capacity(approximately 130 pf) required to resonate filter input andoutput at the center frequency.

THIS HIGH RESISTANCE is readily obtained by driving theFilter with a pentode tube (effectively a constant currentgenerator) and terminating it into a vacuum tube grid. Itwas this usage that led to the use of the term 'transferimpedance' in specifying the effect of a Mechanical Filteron the gain of a given circuit. The transfer impedance isthe ratio of the input current to the output voltage, so theover-all gain of an amplifier stage with a MechanicalFilter following the amplifier tube is simply equal to thetransconductance of the tube times the transfer impedance.

THE SMALL SIZE and high performance characteristics ofMechanical Filters make them a natural choice when designingbandpass circuits using transistor amplifiers. The filterscan be readily matched into the low-resistance circuits(1,000 ohms or less) encountered with transistors by using aseries resonant termination. The lowest value of impedancethat can be matched is determined by the extent to which thestray capacity across the Filter can be minimized. Thisimpedance will be in the order of magnitude normallyencountered with grounded emitter amplifiers. In someapplications, such as balanced modulators, it is desirableto terminate the Filter into a balanced load. For thisreason, each set of terminals on the Filter is balanced toground, eliminating the need for isolation transformers oramplifiers in circuits of this type.

WHEN MECHANICAL FILTERS ARE USED IN BANDPASS circuits thereare a number of precautions that must be taken if fulladvantage is to be derived from its steep skirt rejectioncapabilities: For example, the use of short wires betweenthe Filter terminals and the termination circuitry;effective shielding between the input and the output, andthe use of a common ground for the Filter input, shield andoutput. These precautions prevent the input signal frompartially bypassing the Filter through inductive or capacitivecoupling or ground loops.

SINGLE SIDEBAND APPLICATIONS. Collins Mechanical Filtershave found great acceptance in single sideband transmitterand receiver applications because they provide the flat-topped passband and steep selectivity needed to reject theunwanted sideband and closely adjacent channels in thereceiver.

Filters will meet general performance requirements over thetemperature range of -40øC to +85øC with the followingmaximum allowable deviation limits from the specified +25øCrequirements:

Filters can be stored at temperatures from -65øC to +100øCwithout detrimental effects.

Filter Case Types...

Collins Filters Mechanical List

Diagram courtesy, 'The Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment'by Jay H. Miller.

Collins Mechanical Filter Data

1964 Mechanical Filter Finder

2000 Rockwell/Collins Equipment Filter Use List

Collins Mechanical Filters For Sale In Ct

Collins Mechanical Filter Division

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This Home Page was created by wa3key, Thursday, February 22, 1996
Most recent revision Sunday, March 20, 2005

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